ELEMENTARY SCHOOL families, we know, like us, you're counting down the days until we're back in school! Check out this guide for everything you need to know about bell times are, school supply lists, and when the first day of school is: https://bit.ly/3QyQx3H #15MoreDays

Gibbs Families! Teacher assignments for the 2023-2024 school year have been posted in Skyward! Please sign up for a Step Into Learning time with your child's teacher on August 28th or August 29th through Skyward Family Access. If you need help, please call the Gibbs Office at 507-328-4100. Links to our back to school letters are below.
Kindergarten Back to School Letter
Grades 1-5 Back to School Letter
Skyward Family Access

Your student's teacher for the 2023-2024 school year will be released to families on Monday, August 14 in the late morning. A communication will be sent to you with specific information. As is always the case, class placements are final due to the complexities of equitably balancing classes in order to provide all students with the best learning environment possible. We thank you in advance for your understanding and look forward to a great school year! GO PENGUINS!

Did you know that many of the school supplies you purchase for your child this year could reduce the taxes you pay and possibly lead to a larger refund next year? Save your receipts for these purchases and find out more information about the K-12 Education Credit and Subtraction and how to claim them: https:/www.revenue.state.mn.us/k-12-education-subtraction-and-credit

Join us at RPS for our August 1 hiring event!
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Edison Board Room, 615 7th St SW in Rochester. $19/hour minimum pay for hourly positions!
We're seeking:
- Special Education Teachers
- Speech-Language Pathologists
- School Psychologists
- School Social Workers
- Secondary Math Teachers
- Secondary Science Teachers
- Transportation ESP - Starting at $20.35/hour
- Special Education ESP - Starting at $20.35/hour
- Heath Office Staff
- Maintenance - Starting at $19/hour
- Student Nutrition Services - Starting at $19/hour
Virtual and in-person interviews are available.
Learn more at www.rochesterschools.org/careers.

Join us for the Gibbs Fun Run on May 17th! Here is the schedule for when each grade is running. Parents are welcome to come watch and cheer on our Gibbs Penguins!
Kindergarten: 1:15pm - 2:05pm
1st Grade: 10:15am - 11:05am
2nd Grade: 10:15am - 11:05am
3rd Grade: 2:20pm - 3:10pm
4th Grade: 2:20pm - 3:10pm
5th Grade: 11:30am - 12:20pm
Gibbs Staff Dance: 3:15pm