Did you see an RPS student overcome a challenge? Has an RPS staff person gone above and beyond to help you? Do you want to acknowledge an RPS colleague for their work? We're kicking off an initiative to #CelebrateRPS! Share your stories with us so we can share them with the RPS community. Share your positive stories at https://www.rochesterschools.org/celebraterps and we'll highlight them!
7 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
Mark your calendars and save the date for our inaugural State of the District on Monday, September 16. Superintendent Pekel will be joined by voices and performances from RPS students. Stay tuned—more information will come!
7 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
Save the date for the state of the district
RPS faces a $19.4 million budget deficit that could force school closures, larger classes, and major cuts. This Nov., voters will consider a levy increase on the ballot to stabilize our budget and “Ignite Student Learning.” Visit RochesterSchools.org/referendum to learn more.
7 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
The ignite student learning plan is an investemnt in the future of our students and our community
As the school year approaches and we see big yellow buses around town, here are some reminders for our motorists to help keep our students safe. Always be prepared to stop for school buses, especially during pick-up and drop-off hours. Drivers must: 🛑 Stop for a school bus with its flashing red lights activated and the stop-arm extended. 🛑 Stop at least 20 feet from a school bus. 🛑 Remain stopped until the stop-arm is retrated and the red lights turned off. There is a minimum $500 fine for stop-arm violations, and the buses RPS uses are armed with cameras.
7 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
Stop arm reminders
Free meals will continue for our students in Kindergarten through 12th grade, but it's important to share that funding for the MN Free Meal Program was only allocated for two school years. You can help show the need for this program by completing an Application for Educational Benefits: https://www.rochesterschools.org/page/application-for-benefits
7 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
More than meals, complete and Application for Educational Benefits by Applying Online
Have you visited www.RochesterSchools.org/referendum yet? Come learn about why our district is proposing a referendum to voters this November, how the "Ignite Student Learning" plan would support students, and how you can make your voice heard on Election Day.
7 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
Explore our Referendum website
Step Into Learning is an altered start to the traditional start of the school year. All of our elementary schools will use the first two days of school, August 26 and 27, as student conference days. • Parents and guardians will make an individual 30-minute appointment in August (be watching for communication from your individual school soon). • SACC will not be available on August 26 and 27. • The first full day of school for students grades K-5 will be August 28.
7 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
Step Into Learning
Join Superintendent Dr. Kent Pekel on Monday, August 12, from 7 to 7:45 p.m. in the Rochester Public Library Auditorium to hear more about Rochester Public Schools' 2024 referendum. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and parking is free after 4. p.m. The event will also be livestreamed and recorded by the Rochester Public Library on the library’s YouTube channel. That link will be available on the LWV Rochester website lwvrochester.org. In-person audience questions will be taken. Questions can also be submitted up to 24 hours in advance by emailing them to LWVRochester@lwvmn.org, or by leaving a voice or text message at 507.722.0615.
7 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
Referendum Information Session on August 12
Join us tomorrow, August 9, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Edison Board Room (615 7th St SW) for our Hiring Event! Open positions include: - Special Education Teachers - Education Support Professionals - Health Office Staff (Nurses) - Substitute Teachers & Staff - Secondary Math Teachers - Secondary Science Teachers - Speech Language Pathologists - Occupational Therapists and more! Walk-ins are welcome! Join us at the Edison Board Room, 615 7th St SW, Rochester, MN.
7 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
August 9 Hiring Event
Are you ready for the school year? Mark your calendars with important dates, breaks, and more. Print your school calendar and special calendars online: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OjDjRZSj_Ywx1dCr809H6_pH4tTaIH7W?usp=drive_link
7 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
School Calendars
Bussing for students is only guaranteed for students within the boundary of their school. In Rochester, students in grades K-5 living more than 1.25 miles, grades 6-8 living more than 1.5 miles, and grades 9-12 living more than 2 miles are provided transportation; to view the school's boundaries, visit the Find Your School map (https://www.infofinderi.com/ifi/?cid=RPS25TZQPEOIT). Bus route information will be delivered in the mail in mid-August; please verify that you have completed a registered rider form(https://rochesterpsd.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6WfdaSRQfEOGrGu) to ensure your student is on the correct route. If you have questions about your transportation route, please email our transportation department or call 507.328.4260.
7 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
RPS Transportation text written over the image of a school bus
School Meals: Here's what you need to know - For the 2024-2025 school year, all in-person students can receive one free breakfast and one free lunch each school day due to the MN Free School Meals Program. Each meal must contain a fruit or vegetable serving to qualify as free, and a student must take three of the five meal components (fruit, vegetable, grain, protein, and milk). • Students still need meal pins. • Families still need a PayPams account or cash to cover a la carte items. • Families are still encouraged to complete an application for education benefits.
7 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
Student Nutrition
The countdown is here; we are less than one month away from the start of school! Fill your student's backpack with supplies that will set your student up for success. Find your school's list: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1azTzTLLURXs6Pq7R2kurK83gXfQMB99E?usp=drive_link
7 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
School Supply Lists
Mark your calendars and save the date for our inaugural State of the District on Monday, September 16. Superintendent Pekel will be joined by voices and performances from RPS students. Stay tuned, more information to come!
7 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
Save the date for the state of the district
Our Spanish immersion second graders have the opportunity to learn traditional dance. To celebrate our time at Gage, our students were asked to perform multiple times this year. They took it on with pride and knocked it out of the park every time. None of this would be possible without Maestra Martinez’ passion and dedication to teaching our students not only language but culture. Thank you to Amber H. from Gage Elementary for this #CelebrateRPS submission. Submit your #CelebrateRPS moments at www.rochesterschools.org/celebraterps
7 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
Spanish Immersion students  lining up to do a traditional dance
We're hosting a hiring event next Wednesday, July 31, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Open positions include: - Special Education Teachers - Education Support Professionals - Student Nutrition Services - Health Office Staff (Nurses) - Substitute Teachers & Staff - Secondary Math Teachers - Secondary Science Teachers - Speech Language Pathologists - Occupational Therapists and more! First Student and Kids on the Go will also be in attendance. Walk-ins are welcome and virtual interviews are available at bit.ly/july-31-virtual-interview. Join us at the Edison Board Room, 615 7th St SW, Rochester, MN.
7 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
RPS Hiring Event on July 31
Did you see an RPS student overcome a challenge? Has an RPS staff person gone above and beyond to help you? Do you want to acknowledge an RPS colleague for their work? We're kicking off an initiative to #CelebrateRPS! Share your stories with us so we can share them with the RPS community. Share your positive stories at https://www.rochesterschools.org/celebraterps and we'll highlight them!
7 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
We know our students are still enjoying summer, but for those who like to plan ahead, we have our back-to-school information ready for you! A big change this school year is the school bell times! Check out https://www.rochesterschools.org/back-to-school for more info.
8 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
District-wide bell times
Preschool bell times
We're in the heat of summer, but stores are already starting to roll out their back-to-school supplies sales. Consider getting an early start on your school supplies while the sales are heating up! Find your school's list: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1azTzTLLURXs6Pq7R2kurK83gXfQMB99E?usp=drive_link
8 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
School Supply Lists
Like many school districts, RPS has had to make difficult budget cuts in recent years that have impacted student services, reduced staff, and prompted potential school closures. On Nov. 5, voters will consider an operating levy increase to address these challenges. Learn more: www.RochesterSchools.org/referendum
8 months ago, Rochester Public Schools
Three people smiling at the camera. Verbiage says "find referendum information at www.rochesterschools.org/referendum